Announcing Likert Questions in Atomic Polls

Announcing Likert Questions in Atomic Polls

We are happy to announce that Atomic Polls now supports Likert question types. This addition enhances our product, allowing for more standardized ways to collect data.

Customization and Flexibility

With the Likert question type, you can customize questions in three main ways:

  1. Custom Levels for Responses: Tailor the response options to fit your needs. Try out our default levels, "Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Neutral, Agree, Strongly Agree," or create your own set of levels to match the context of your questions.
  2. Multiple Sub-Questions: Incorporate multiple sub-questions within each Likert question to add depth to your surveys. This allows you to explore various facets of a topic in a single, comprehensive question format.
  3. Optional Descriptions: Include an optional description to provide additional instructions or context. This ensures that respondents fully understand the question and how to respond accurately.

Enhanced Analytics and Anonymity

The Likert question type comes with the same robust student analytics as our existing poll question types. Track responses and analyze data to gain valuable insights into student opinions and behaviors. Additionally, submissions can be made anonymous, maintaining the traditional privacy of Likert-style quizzes and ensuring candid feedback.

We invite you to try out the new Likert question type in Atomic Polls today. Whether you’re conducting end-of-course surveys, gathering feedback, or engaging students in social learning activities, the Likert question type is a powerful tool to add to your educational toolkit.

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