A Decade of Innovation: How Atomic Jolt Gathers Feedback and Shapes the Future of EdTech

A Decade of Innovation: How Atomic Jolt Gathers Feedback and Shapes the Future of EdTech

As Atomic Jolt enters its 11th year, it’s an exciting time to reflect on how far we’ve come and share a bit about how we’ve managed to stay at the forefront of educational technology. The journey has been one of constant iteration, fueled by feedback from educators, administrators, and students — the very people who use our products every day. This feedback loop is the backbone of our development process. It has allowed us to continuously improve our offerings, like the recent update to Atomic Search that introduced a much-requested Find & Replace feature.

Working With Users

We actively seek and value user feedback, integrating it as a cornerstone of our development process. We meet with our customers regularly and maintain open channels of communication. This helps to ensure that our products are continuously refined based on real-world usage and user insights. When issues arise, our team is dedicated to responding quickly, addressing bug fixes with urgency to minimize disruptions. This responsive approach not only resolves immediate concerns but also allows us to learn from our users and incorporate their feedback into future updates and innovations. Atomic Jolt consistently delivers high-quality solutions that align with our users' expectations and requirements through this collaborative process.

Listening at Trade Shows and Conferences

Trade shows and conferences are among the most valuable opportunities for us to connect with our users directly. These events allow us to step out of the office and into the real world where our products are being used. Whether it’s a large conference like EDUCAUSE or a more focused niche event, we’re there to listen.

We make it a point to speak with as many attendees as possible at these events. The feedback we receive in these face-to-face interactions is often the most candid and insightful. Educators told us how much time they spent manually updating course content across multiple pages and how a streamlined solution could make their lives easier. We took that feedback seriously, and this year, we rolled out the Find & Replace update, making it simpler than ever for users to update their content efficiently.

Want to learn more about Atomic Search in action? Read the story of Rockwood School District's digital transformation with Atomic Search in this case study.

Surveys: The Power of Data

While in-person and real-time feedback is invaluable, we also rely heavily on data gathered through surveys. Our Atomic Newsletter subscribers often receive invitations to participate in surveys designed to gauge their satisfaction with our products and to solicit ideas for improvement. These surveys provide us with quantitative data that we can analyze to identify trends and areas for enhancement.

The Atomic Newsletter: A Direct Line to Our Users

The Atomic Newsletter is more than just a way for us to share updates; it’s a crucial part of our feedback loop. Every edition includes a section where readers can share their thoughts on recent updates or suggest new features. This direct line of communication has been instrumental in our ability to iterate quickly and effectively.

When the Find & Replace feature was introduced in Atomic Search, we used the newsletter to announce the update and ask for feedback. The responses we received not only confirmed the update but also provided ideas for further improvements that could enhance the tool's power. This continuous dialogue with our users is what keeps us agile and responsive to needs.

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Celebrating 11 Years of Innovation

As we celebrate our 11th year, I’m incredibly proud of how Atomic Jolt has evolved. From our humble beginnings to becoming a trusted partner in education, our commitment to listening to our users and iterating based on their feedback has never wavered. The Find & Replace update in Atomic Search is just one example of how we turn user feedback into tangible improvements that make a real difference in the classroom.

Looking ahead, we’re more committed than ever to maintaining this feedback loop. Whether through face-to-face conversations at trade shows, engaging discussions during Lunch & Learns, insightful survey data, or the direct input we receive through our newsletter, every piece of feedback is a building block in the ongoing development of our products.

Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to share their thoughts with us over the years. Your feedback is the driving force behind our success, and we look forward to continuing this journey together as we innovate and improve the tools that help educators create better learning experiences for their students. Here’s to the next decade of collaboration and innovation!

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